Friday, January 1, 2016

Solitary Portland:  Woman at Mill and 9th street.

Solitary Tangier:  Waterfront.

Walking to the train station headed for Marrakesh while crying. :)
Moroccans were on the beach laughing in their head dejellaba's and scarves.
 I remember everything being a blur that day.

Solitary Portland: Man in Levine's Laundromat, Burnside and 20th street.

The man at the counter works late while it's dark outside. 
The clothing hangs behind plastic coverings. The 
sewing machine sits unused. It reminds me of the 70's for some reason.

Solitary Portland: Kornblatt's Deli

Solitary Brighton: Man at train station

There was originally a woman on the stool, grabbing her coat to leave. But the man had 
an expression on his face as if she was already gone, so I left her out.  

Solitary Portland: Man at library, 11th and Salmon Street.

The Black Garbage Bag

Garbage bags are everywhere, containing the sole possessions of hundreds
of people in downtown Portland, homeless men. They
seem like tagalong side-kicks, carried on their heads, cradled in both arms, swinging from their sides, or planted at their feet for long hours at the library to get away from the outside cold.

"Everything that the big city has thrown away, everything it has lost, everything it has scorned, everything it has crushed underfoot. The rags, the refuse-these I will not inventory but allow, in the only way possible, to come into their own: by making use of them."

-walter benjamin